while booting the system if you get any error line "Linux system from maintenance mode".
first, use the administrator user and password to enter to the console.
just type the following command and reboot the machine.
:- mount -o remount, rw /
nmtui - Text User Interface for controlling NetworkManager
lspci - is a utility for displaying information about PCI buses in the system and devices connected to them.
ethtool - query or control network driver and hardware settings
systemctl list-unit-files --type=service ( TO VIEW THE ALL SERVICES)
LS Commands:-
ls -i
Disk View Commands:-
first, use the administrator user and password to enter to the console.
just type the following command and reboot the machine.
:- mount -o remount, rw /
nmtui - Text User Interface for controlling NetworkManager
ethtool - query or control network driver and hardware settings
systemctl list-unit-files --type=service ( TO VIEW THE ALL SERVICES)
ls -i
Disk View Commands:-
df –hT [it will print partitions along with filesystem type]
lsblk [it print all block devices]
fdisk –l [List the partition tables for the specified devices and
then exit. If no devices are given, those mentioned in /proc/partitions (if that exists) are used.]
sfdisk –l [it will print the disks with cylinders and blocks]
-l list the partitions of a devices.
-s list the size of a partitions.
-u, -uS, -uB, -uC, -uM [accept or report in units of sector (cylinders, blocks, megabytes….)]
parted /dev/sda [ listing the partition size is larger than 1 or 2 TB]
(parted) unit TB [ it will convert the disk size in to TB]
(parted) print [ it will print the partition in TBs]
(parted) quit [ to quit from parted command](parted) print [ it will print the partition in TBs]
lsscsi [ it will print the SCSI devices and their attributes ]